All references to private colors glossed over and removed. All aspects have been adjusted as if these colors never existed. And to the user they don't.
Adjusted clut building code to preserve your chosen hilite color
Bug Fixes
Fixed the problem where on newer systems Pfhred would mungle the colors when cutting nad pasting between two of it's windows. (NOTE: Thius may also deal with some of the crashing problems on systems with monitors set greater then 256 colors!)
Various fixes for the Clut Editor, including:
Fixed a bug where you couldn't overwrite one clut file with another
Fixed a glitch where when pasting in a new wall, a new LLS might not be created.
Limit key and origin values for walls and interfaces so they don't interfere with saving.
Fixed a problem with saving that would result in the Line 818 assertion.
Fixed a crash that occured after the error dialog for for opening a shapes file when it was already open by another application
Version 1.3
New Features
Sounds can now be played while the shape is animating.
Sounds can be tried and selected by browsing.
Reverting to saved is now allowable.
HLS can be deleted.
Collections in the file window are now sorted and use the resource name of the collection if available. Also, unavailable collections are no longer listed.
Selecting colors in the CLUT editor is now down with marching ants.
Bad color indicators in the CLUT editor are now more apparent.
Various GUI fixes to go by Apple's guidelines better.
Saving now uses less memory.
Shapes that are too complex are no longer allowed.
Bug Fixes
Wall previews in collection window now draw grey icons when they encounter errors.
Wall collections no longer mess up on selecting the proper wall when other walls are open.
Nonexistant colors in bitmaps are now forced to the last available color. (Black)
Saving no longer fails after you view all the bitmaps in an object and then try to save.
Version 1.2
New Features
Can now drag and drop shape files onto Pfhred.
Added loading/saving of Photoshop cluts and swatches and of clut resources.
Walls in a collection are now displayed as icons instead of 'Wall 0', 'Wall 1', etc…
Bug Fixes
Improved error handling when opening a shapes file.
Version 1.1.3
Revised Features
Duplicate Colors in Clut 0 now framed in yellow
Bug Fixes
Made sure Clut Dialog has a Red+Yellow for framing
Fixed several saving bugs, namely:
deleting color tables could cause an assertion
selections of colors were not properly cleared
a problem in pasting
an error in saving would cause just pasted in pictures to be lost
Version 1.1.2
Revised Features
Interface elements now have names instead of being 'Interface 0' and so on.
Improved the help content
Bug Fixes
Fixed several saving bugs, namely:
a false out of memory error,
a faultilly saved player collection,
and a glitch that would cause problems when you saved the open window, then edited it more.
Added Assert dialogs so my asserts cause a meaningful dialog instead of a crash.
Version 1.1a
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where all interface and walls would make Pfhred crash. Sorry about
this one, it never showed up in our debugger.
Version 1.1
New Features
Added Color Editing, pasting into new walls, adding High Level Shapes, and
online documentation.
Revised the Wall/Interface window, rearranged the Transfer Mode popup in the
HLS window. And pasted in walls/interfaces are now forced to the size of the
existing image.
Improved the speed of animations.
Rewrote documentation for clarity.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem where after saving a file, further attempts to work with the
images could cause corruption of the images.
Now prevent walls from using the current background color.
Fixed a problem where pasting in an image with a non-rectangular content
could end up with an image with garbage in the edges or a crash.
Keep an object from trying to use private colors in the game.
Fixed a bug with pasting in replacement interface elements.
Added a gestalt to make sure system 7 was present.